Referrals can be made by anyone working in a professional capacity with a family located in East Sussex or surrounding areas, who are struggling financially and in need of support. This includes social workers, health visitors, midwives, keyworkers, foodbanks, women's refuges, and other local charities and organisations. If a family would benefit from our support, we welcome your referral. There's no complicated assessment or eligibility criteria, just your professional judgement.
We don't have direct contact with families, so you will need to collect the items you request and take them to the family. Please check our referral Terms and Conditions (below) before submitting your referral.
Referral Terms & Conditions
1. Families cannot self refer. Referrals can only be made by a professional on behalf of a family.
2. Referrals can be made for babies and children aged 0 - 16 living in East Sussex or surrounding areas.
3. Only refer families who are experiencing financial hardship or poverty.
4. Please make sure you have selected all items that will help the family. There is no limit to the amount of items you can request, but we ask that you consult with the family and only request items there is a genuine need for.
5. You can refer the same family multiple times as their needs change and the children grow.
6. If we do not have an item you've requested we will let you know. We can then alert you when we have it in stock.
7. You will need to collect the items you've requested from us in Crowborough - the full address and directions will be shared when your bundle is ready. Please make sure your collection arrangements have been confirmed so we can have your bundle ready. Our storage space is limited and turnover is high, so on completion of your bundle, collection will need to be arranged promptly. If we stop hearing from you regarding collection of your bundle, we may have no other option than to assume they are no longer needed and to re-allocate the items to another family.
8. The information provided on this form will be stored as per our GDPR policy. The information we collect does not make the family recognisable, but is necessary to provide the family with the service requested.
9. Some of the information on this form, and a picture of the items gifted to the family may be shared on our website, marketing and social media platforms. When we share information about the bundles we have gifted, it is always done anonymously, with sensitivity, and for the purpose of achieving our charity aims.